Friday 4 November 2016

30K: Burning of Prospero vs. Betrayal at Calth

We've already talked about what you need to start playing 30K. Here's a tl;dr: 2x Betrayal at Calth. But now GW has released another boxed set based on the Horus Heresy, or, more precisely, the Burning of Prospero.

So how does Burning of Prospero compare to Betrayal at Calth? Which one should you get, and why?

Let's contrast and compare.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

30K: Black Books vs Red Books

One of the issues new players have is wrapping their head around the different types of books. Forge World publishes the big and expensive Black Books, and the smaller Red Books.

So let's talk about the differences, or rather the purpose of each type of book.

But be warned: I'll be praising the Black Books quite a bit, because they are (no hyperbole) the best books I've ever seen in the Grim Darkness™.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

30K: Lords of War and the 25% Rule

A cursory glance at The Horus Heresy might give the impression that not only are Lords of War (LoW) available aplenty, they're also much, much more powerful than anything in 40K – just look at that Warlord Titan! Sure, they're also available in 40K, but Forge World first and foremost develops for 30K, right?

Well, here's the thing: while 40K nowadays has a certain "anything goes" vibe, thanks to unbound armies and an unlimited slot for a LoW even in "bound" armies, that's not the case for 30K. So let's take a look at how 30K handles LoWs, and what you can expect to go up against.

Sunday 22 May 2016

30K: GW Horus Heresy

Miniature gaming is expensive, GW more so, and Forge World most of all (unless you live in Australia, but I digress). If you want to build a sizable army for The Horus Heresy, costs will add up fast. The Betrayal at Calth box will only get you started, and sooner or later you'll want to diversify your collection.

As expensive as GW is, everything you could get from them instead of their subsidiary Forge World is a cheaper alternative (and plastic is way easier to work with than resin). And indeed, some of GW's 40K range is quite suited for 30K – to varying degree, as we'll soon see.

So let's dive right in: all the stuff from GW you could use for your Legion army.

Friday 6 May 2016

30K: A Shopping Guide to Forge World's Horus Heresy Miniatures

Starting or expanding an army for The Horus Heresy can get awfully expensive, and there are a few traps we'd better avoid.

We've previously talked about army building, so this post expands upon that. It's not just about what to get, though, but also when, with a little bit of why.

Remember that it all ultimately depends on your chosen Legion as well as your preferred Rite(s) of War (RoW).

I'll assume that the core of your army will be a box or three of Betrayal at Calth (BaC). Therefore, the main focus of this post will be the Space Marine Legions – but some information may still be relevant for other factions.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

30K: Space Marine Legion Vehicle Units

We've previously talked about Space Marine infantry in the 31st millenium, so that leaves the vehicles of the Astartes Legions: transports, tanks, skimmers, and so on.

As Forge World (FW) is known for its (sometimes quite large) vehicle models, it's no wonder that the Legions have access to quite a lot of different vehicles, so there's quite a lot to cover.

Note that some of the vehicles are available from Games Workshop proper (GW), either exclusively or alternatively. The following entries detail when a vehicle is (also) available from GW. If nothing is noted, it's FW exclusive.

Kathaphron Grav Clade YT133 and YT137, Kataphron Destroyers

Magos Linval values Grav weaponry above all else, as it exemplifies his personal principles: use the opponent's might against them. For this reason the fast mayority of the Forge World's Kataphron servitors are of the Destroyer variety, armed with Heavy Grav Cannons.